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This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308313



ZEPHYR (ZEro-imPact innovative tecHnologY in foRest plant production)

Euronews short documentary on Zephyr!   Avaliable in 12 languages!.
This project has been successfully completed on 30/11/2015 and now is approaching its industrial implementation phase; a description of the prototype delivered is reported in the "Project Outcome" section and an interview is published by the european Commission in the H2020 web site:


Go to the Exhibition's Gallery                 Go to the programme and presentations


 Other main events:

15 March 2015:ZEPHYR unit inaugurated in Varese by the Governor of the Lombardia Region. during the event the unit also run in remote , being controlled from Madrid by the partner Advantic   click here to see the clip 

 More details and photos in the Events section



The single components of the Zephyr unit have been tested and then assembled in the Container 

Watch the Video by clicking here





July 2014 -  Participation of the ZEPHYR project at a 10 days cultural event in Viterbo (Italy) "Caffeina Festival" 

  Living lab for children  and international conference in the city hall (watch the Video at 

More details in the Events section




 June 2014

  ZEPHYR stand  at the Green Week 2014!

More details in the Events section 




 In response to the FP7 Specific Programme “Collaborative Project” Call “Improving resource efficiency” (FP7-ENV.2012.6) and the Topic FP7-ENV.2012.6.3-1 “Innovative resource efficient technologies, processes and services”, the Zephyr project aims to introduce an innovative technology built on pre-cultivation of forest regeneration materials in a zero-impact and cost-friendly production unit.

 The project will integrate these technologies into a functional system for large scale production of pre-cultivated forest regeneration materials adapted to transplanting and further growth at forest nurseries all over Europe.

The new integrated technology will make a drastic change to state-of-the-art in forest nursery production for reforestation purposes: apart from being more resource-efficient, it will also contribute to the environmental protection through: biodiversity defending, water recycling, strong reduction of fertilizers and avoidance of pesticides.

Moreover, it will allow a CERTIFIED and STANDARDISED production of reforestation materials, with a noticeable increasing of the efficiency of the reforestation operations.  

The project’s specific objectives are:

  • Development of an innovative technology for LED lamps and wireless sensors to reduce energy consumption and monitor the cultivation process; the main part of the energy will be provided by solar panels, depending from the geographic and climatic area;

  • Integration of these technologies into a functional system for large scale production of pre-cultivated forest regeneration materials ready for transplantation and further growth at forest nurseries all over Europe;

  • Development of a new business model for the exploitation of the new technology, involving the RTD performers also in the post-research phase defined by a specific and innovative exploitation agreement;

  • Dissemination of the potentiality of this new system in Europe and exploitation of the new business model in order to allow “just in time” deliveries to all potential forest nurseries that could benefit of the new pre-cultivation system;

This project meets the Smart and Sustainable Growth priorities of the Europe 2020 strategy and in particular the Innovation Union flagship. A new research and development approach based on an innovative technology built on pre-cultivation of forest regeneration materials in a zero impact and cost-friendly unit will grant an efficient resources use, the protection of biodiversity and a competitive advantage to businesses, SMEs in particular.


Contact person:  


Dr. Radut | page