Zephyr has a duration of 36 months and is composed of 7 workpackages.
The 7 workpackages correspond to the 7 phases of the project:
WP1 - Project management: The objective of WP1 is to carry out effective management of the project and contacts with the Commission’s officers; day-to-day administration, co-ordination and monitoring. Solid management, carried out by the Project Co-ordinator (UNITUS), will guarantee that the Zephyr project’s goals are achieved.
Description of works:
- Task 1.1 - General coordination
- Task 1.2 - Financial management
- Task 1.3 - Reporting and monitoring
- Task 1.4 - Quality assurance
WP2 - Definition of the new technology: Design of a new type of growth chamber optimized for tree seedling pre-cultivation, which optimizes plants/m2 without jeopardizing quality and without increasing cultivation times.
Description of works:
- Task 2.1 - Resume of the previous projects results and study for the integration of the moving trays and other devices
- Task 2.2 - Definition of the new LED lamps with specific spectra
- Task 2.3 - Definition of new sensor's requirements
- Task 2.4 - Design of the new sensors
- Task 2.5 - Communication and control system system
WP3 - Growth protocols and biological validation: Developing specific protocols for new growth chamber equipped with LED Lamps, Wireless sensors and robotic devices.Performing new specific tests for each innovative approach, in order to have a biological validation of the new protocols.
Description of works:
- Task 3.1 - Definition of new growth protocols for cultural practices
- Task 3.2 - Implementation of the new growth protocols
- Task 3.3 - Growth tests performed in normal growth chambers with led lamps
- Task 3.4 - Growth test with the new sensors
WP4 - Development of the technical components: The objective of WP 4 is to develop and realise the integration of the different technologies for the frame construction, irrigation system, LED Lights and new sensors. Specific lab tests will be performed to evaluate their functionality, robustness, and the replicability of production. This work packages therefore include aspects of construction and assembly.
Description of works:
- Task 4.1 - Frame construction, movement transmission, irrigation system and water recycling
- Task 4.2 - LED Light System
- Task 4.3 - New sensors
- Task 4.4 - Control system
- Task 4.5 - Robotic devices
- Task 4.6 - Solar panel power system
WP5 - System Integration: The objective of WP5 is to build the prototype and to issue the user's manual.
Description of works:
- Task 5.1 - Assembly of the mechanical and electric parts
- Task 5.2 - Integration of systems and devices
- Task 5.3 - User's manual
WP6 - Technical validation: The objective of WP6 is the technical validation of the prototype.
Description of works:
- Task 6.1 - Technical Validation
WP7 - Dissemination and exploitation: To communicate to companies and organisations, researchers, wide audience and potential stake holders the project and its objectives and to disseminate and exploit the results.
Description of works:
- Task 7.1 - Project web page
- Task 7.2 - Market analysis
- Task 7.3 - Workshops and International fair
- Task 7.4 - Scientific articles
- Task 7.5 - Industrial implementation
Gantt Chart:
The scheme in the following picture shows the project time schedule for each workpackage and task, the milestones and the expected date of each deliverable.