Zero Impact Innovative Technology in Forest Plant Production

- Total Cost: 4,284,275 €
- EC Contribution: 3,438,252 €
- Duration: 36 months
- Start Date: 01/10/2012
- Consortium: 14 partners from 10 countries
- Project Coordinator: Tuscia University – DAFNE
- Department (Italy)
At the present the first step of forest production chain is affected by some criticisms:

- soil consumption due to the large surface of greenhouses;
- high energy and water consumption;
- use of pesticides and fertilizers;
- low uniformity of growth conditions leading to a loss of seedling’s quality.
Zephyr aims to introduce an innovative technology build on pre-cultivation of forest regeneration materials in a zero-impact and cost friendly production unit.
Zephyr will help in preserving the environment and reducing pollution: this impact is ensured by eco-innovative solutions both in the process and in the product.

The project will develop a highly automated production unit recycling water and fertilizers and avoiding pesticides, through a combined action of the optimal environmental conditions and continuous movement, as already demonstrated in previous experiments.
No pollutants will be released into the environment.
A noticeable reduction of emissions will be achieved through a low energy consumption, reduced by up to 70% in respect to the traditional nursery pre-cultivations.
Zephyr will develop a family of new specific wireless sensors to detect biological entities, stage of plant development and soil characteristics.
The technology of the continuous movement, developed in a previous research project, will be further enhanced. The outcome will be a cost effective control mode.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No 308313 |
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