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Zephyr Conference: programme and presentations


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EC Opening Statements - Tomas Turecki (European Commission, DG Research & Innovation,  Research  -  Programme Officer in the Eco-Innovation Unit) - PRESENTATION
The ZEPHYR concept - Carlo Polidori (Veltha ivzw - Belgium) - PRESENTATION 
Keynote Lecture: Growing target seedlings for Reforestation - Kasten Dumroese (US Department of Agriculture,Forest Service) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT
Large-scale production of containerized seedlings in the boreal conifers regions - Anders Mattsson (Dalarna University, Sweden) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT
Climate change, environmental restoration, and planting stock production - Bartolomeo Schirone (Coordinator of the ZEPHYR project, Tuscia University, Italy) - PRESENTATION
Innovative approaches to increase biodiversity in forest plant production - Kalliopi Radoglou (Democritus University, Greece) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT
Phenotypical selections of planting material through new technological approaches - Antonio Montagnoli (Insubria University, Italy) - PRESENTATION
The role of forests and sustainable forest management for food security and nutrition - Soo-Yeon Laura Jin (FAO) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT
  Forest nurseries in Europe: an overview – Andy Gordon (European Forest Nurseries Association, EFNA) - PRESENTATION 
  Experiences of conservation and increase of biodiversity in forest plant production in Lombardia Region - Francesca Ossola (ERSAF Lombardia)  - PRESENTATION 
  Food Forest: woods feeding cities - Stefano Soldati (Permacultura La Boa) - PRESENTATION
  Intensive fruit production in mountain areas: the case of Alto Adige - Michael Oberhuber (Director of Laimburg Research Centre) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT
  Technological innovations in olive growing - Eddo Rugini (Tuscia University) - PRESENTATION
  Sustainable options for quality maize - Carlotta Balconi - (CREA-MAC) - PRESENTATION 
  Wheat, a crop for a sustainable future - Patrizia Vaccino (CREA-SCV) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT
  Optimizing rice cultivation: challenges and opportunities - Giampiero Valè (CREA-RISE) - PRESENTATION 
  Agri-food nanotechnologies: status and perspectives - Gabriella Pasqua (Società Botanica Italiana) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT


Dissemination, education, and research in horticultural practices - Giovanni D’Angelo (Fondazione Minoprio) - PRESENTATION - ABSTRACT



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